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Day 14 - Palau and Pelelui
We’ve been home for a few days, but I wanted to go ahead and finish up where I left off since I left out some important information about Peleliu and what happened there.  So to continue –...
Day 13 - Palau & Pelelui
The final leg of our trip started in the wee hours when we landed at Palau International Airport around 2:00 am on Tuesday.  Palau is its own country and other than Iwo Jima, is the only foreign land we...
Days 11 & 12 - Guam
After the long day at Iwo Jima, things started to wind down with the main part of the tour.  Sunday there was a half day visit around the island to a museum and then to a landing beach, ending with...
Day 10 - Iwo Jima
The day on Iwo Jima did not quite go the way that Gregg had hoped, but still was a very good day for him.  I’ll just start by saying I absolutely made the right decision to stay behind,  ...